News overview

Despite digitalization...

8 April 2021 – Solution

Recently, we posted a poll within Maritime Professionals to verify our main findings. And we are happy that the majority of the voters underlined this! We believe that digitalization of the maritime industry should start with the vessels at the center.

Different ports, different systems & formats

We like all initiatives that ports are launching, but too many times the digitalization results in extra administration on board of the vessels. Because the port is the center of digitalization rather than the vessels. “Different ports, different systems and formats” still applies. 

So it’s time to beat the system! At diize we support the crew in fastening their administrative duties! And that’s why we launched our Always on Board application. With Always on Board captains handle their port call administration in less than 20 minutes, up to 7.5 times faster. So they can focus on what really matters: safe navigation!

Always on Board is directly usable, no special software or hardware is needed. Contact us for a free trial or check the free demo.